Monday - Work then home
Tuesday - Work then home
Wednesday - Work then home... oh wait! after work, before going home, I passed by the diplomatic shop (thanks to Nenette) to buy a white chocolate with grappa then went to La Romana for dinner with Carol.
Thursday - Went around the town for some window shopping then we went to supermarket. When I checked my mailbox and I got my package from amazon containing my Final Fantasy 13 disc.
Friday - Literally went straight home from work then played ff 13 until 2 in the morning
Saturday - went to meet Carol for a coffee then another trip to the supermarket
Sunday - I did my laundry at 8 in the morning. At 10.20 AM I left for church. After church, I just stayed home until Carol invited me for a walk.
See! This only goes to show that I have a major social life crisis at the moment.Argh!
Hopefully, I will have something more to write this week.